6/11 - Reclaiming Your Cycle with Dr. Ashton Perroni

6/11 - Reclaiming Your Cycle with Dr. Ashton Perroni


Tuesday, June 11th, 5:30PM-7:00PM

Reclaiming Your Cycle is a workshop focused solely on women to explore how our hormones fluctuate throughout our lifetime. We are often told that the symptoms surrounding our period, fertility journey, pregnancy, postpartum and menopause are “normal”; in this workshop Dr. Ashton will explain how although these symptoms may be common, they are far from normal.

Dr. Ashton will go in depth on how our hormones change throughout our cycle, and explain what symptoms are actually considered normal through each phase. We will talk about the most common hormonal imbalances that present in women, and what issues those can create within the body if left unchecked. We will finish off talking about birth control, its side effects, and why it’s not the answer to maintaining a hormone imbalance.

Dr. Ashton Perroni is a Board Licensed Naturopathic Doctor and graduate from Bastyr University California. She is the owner, medical director, and primary Naturopathic Doctor at Thyme Health, based in Lafayette and Pacifica.

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