Topical Healing Oil - Sore Muscle Aid

Topical Healing Oil - Sore Muscle Aid


St. John’s penetrates the skin to ease sore muscles and nerve pain.

Herb infused olive oil, use as a topical skin healer.  Place drops as needed in your hands and massage on affected areas to alleviate muscle and nerve pain. Easily absorbed into your skin. Use 2-3x daily, especially before bed.

St. John's Wort: anti-inflammatory, Chamomile: soothing, anti-inflammatory Lavender: antibacterial, eases swelling, strengthens circulation, Organic EVOO: anti-oxidants

1 oz. in amber glass with dropper. Ingredients: St. John's Wort, Chamomile, Lavender, Extra Virgin Olive Oil

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St. John's wort has antibacterial properties and may also fight inflammation. Apply topically to the skin, to relieve symptoms associated with nerve and muscle pain, minor wounds and skin irritations

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